Q: Where can a professional girl go for a drink in this town?
~ Amy, in the Heights
Gaila: The best and hippest place for a professional girl of all orientations is by far the new bar and grill in Ferndale called Rosie’s – Fabulous!
Lee: Rosie’s is the place to be.
Nette: Rosie’s is fun, but if I’m in a posh mood I prefer the Bosco in Ferndale, or Cliff Bell’s in Detroit.
Q: With the economy in decline, high unemployment, and women fully in the workforce, is it time to go Dutch?
~ Boy Wonder
Gaila: I suppose it’s okay to go Dutch, but if I was the one asking the woman out I would pay, regardless. That is the proper and classy thing to do.
Lee: I always offer to pick up the tab.
Nette: In business, whomever sets the meeting should pay. On a date the man should pay. But, friends hanging out can go Dutch. And, of course, the Dutch can always go Dutch.
Q: I met someone online and we’ve been friends for a little over a month. Since I’ll be in the city on business we both thought it would be fun to meet. How far should I let the first date go?
~ Sex or no sex in the city
Gaila: If I met a woman online, and we continued with great communication for over a month, and we were to meet for the first time, I would have to have mental and physical attraction before there were to be any encounter – wait for the second date.
Lee: Chemistry is everything. Look into their eyes and make your decision.
No sex on the first date! Take it slow and get to know one another. Be sure he is indeed whom he said he was when you were chatting online. No one wants to lay in bed with a psycho. However – if sparks fly on your first date, and you feel safe enough, then by all means, go at it on date two! ?