It had been a delicious Holiday season. But, maybe, you indulged a little more than necessary. And, now, after the final Christmas cookie has emerged from the freezer and you are polishing off the last of the Champagne, everything kinda sucks.
Maybe, the following will help you along. Maybe, it won’t. But, at least you’ll be more informed. And, we are here to applaud that effort!
Now, go out there and make things happen!
Finding the Right Fuel for Self-Care: New Book Asks Readers to Ponder, Why Am I Eating This?
Why Am I Eating This? Is This the Nourishment I Need?, from registered nurse and former corporate and hospital wellness program manager Sandy Robertson, is a little book with a big message: There’s a link between self-awareness and what and when we eat, and retraining the brain to think about food differently is well within reach.
“What’s the right amount of food that satisfies our nutrition and fuel needs but satisfies us psychologically, too?” Robertson asked in a recent interview. “When we’re eating, we’re feeding our soul; we’re feeding our emotions; but it’s really all about balance and finding that right balance for us.”
In Why Am I Eating This? Robertson shares steps in which readers can transform their relationship with food, making space for self-care as a form of nourishment. With a background in holistic nursing and leading preventive lifestyle change programs around mind/body wellness in several corporations and hospitals, Robertson brings her wealth of knowledge to this 2nd edition of the book.
In a world that seems obsessed with fad diets and quick fixes, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly nourishes our soul. If you’re tired of diets that focus solely on counting calories and restricting food, brace yourself for a revolutionary approach to weight loss. Why Am I Eating This? is not just another diet program; it’s a holistic journey toward intentional eating and lasting transformation. Robertson’s seven-point plan goes beyond the plate, delving into the depths of your desires and uncovering the truth about eating.
Exploring the link between what and when we eat and the self-love we deserve is at the core. The book provides an intelligent approach toward our relationship with food. Through gentle curiosity, mindful eating exercises, meditations and strategies for self-nourishment, Robertson guides readers toward self-discovery, offering lightbulb moment questions to provide new perspectives on the choices we make about food, inviting us to explore our personal relationships with food. The book expertly lays the groundwork for those who want to uncover some mysteries of their eating patterns, such as why we eat more than we need or what might trigger when we eat.
Why Am I Eating This? acknowledges that often we turn to eating as a coping mechanism, seeking comfort or distraction from our emotions. Offering powerful new tools to learn to make empowered, wise choices with food, Robertson helps readers move toward a more compassionate, nurturing and nourishing relationship with themselves. The book is a welcome guide for those frustrated with overeating despite awareness of healthy food options or realizing they use food to self-soothe. It is also for anyone frustrated by yo-yo dieting or fed up with not being able to fit into clothes they love.
Robertson reveals the nourishment we may be really seeking through our personal eating habits and patterns: self-love. When we truly care about ourselves, our physical health habits frequently improve. As she states, “Outer self-care reflects inner self-love and appreciation. When we love and cherish ourselves, we will want to love and cherish our bodies and will want to fill it with just the right amount of nourishing and healthy food.” (At least most of the time!)
About the Author
Sandy Robertson, RN, MSN, PH-CNS, is an author and Board Certified Holistic Nurse (HN-BC). For the past 25 years, she has been a notable corporate and healthcare systems manager/leader/educator of wellness and obesity programs, and she has been in the forefront of integrative, complementary and mind/body approaches to behavior change. She is also a Certified Medical Intuitive (CMIP) and Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (CHTP) who weaves the traditional art and science of medicine with mind-body approaches to well-being.
The 5 Phases of Creating a Novel: Prolific Author Shares Valuable Tips and Wisdom
A lot of effort, expended over a lengthy period of time, goes into creating a novel, says Hank Quense. And he should know. The prolific author has published more than 30 books, most of which explore in detail different aspects of writing, publishing and marketing a book.
“Many authors, when creating their first novel, don’t appreciate or understand exactly what they are getting into: a multi-phase, long-term project,” Quense said. “And writing it is only the first step.”
Quense’s new book, Creating Your First Novel, aims to help arm aspiring authors with the information they need to understand the entire scope of creating a new book, which Quense divides into five phases: Planning, Writing, Publishing, Marketing and Managing the Business — the last of which usually comes as quite a surprise, Quense notes.
“After all this activity, many authors are shocked to discover they now own a business,” he said. “This sudden promotion to CEO of a business to market and sell the book can be upsetting.”
Quense explains in detail the tasks, options and considerations involved each step of the way in his five-phase process, with the ultimate goal of eliminating surprises for up-and-coming authors.
“I’ve written over 30 books, most of them self-published. I’ve stumbled through all of the phases a few times before I mastered the process,” Quense added. “Recently, I decided to develop a thorough explanation of all the phases in a comprehensive way that would save new authors from experiencing the frustration of trying to figure out each phase as it unfolds.”
About the Author
Hank Quense has self-published his books for over 12 years. His non-fiction books cover fiction writing (Creating Stories), self-publishing (How to Self-publish and Market a Book, Self-publish a Book in 10 Steps), marketing (Book Marketing Fundamentals) and author business (Business Basics for Authors).
Conversation Between Young Man and His Older Guide Offers a Framework for Navigating Life’s Inevitable Changes
In his new book, The Island of the Four Ps: A Modern Fable About Preparing for Your Future, Ed Hajim drops readers into the mind of a young man on a quest to find himself and his personal path to success and happiness. As he meets challenges, readers gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate change in their own lives while remaining true to their personal values and ideals.
“The book is about a conversation with yourself,” Hajim said. “This is not a book about right or wrong. It’s a book about how to find out what you want to do, based on your own passions, principles, partners and plans.”
To create this book, Hajim used his own extraordinary life as a framework. Kidnapped at the age of 3 by his father, driven across the country and told his mother had died, Hajim spent his childhood in and out of foster homes and orphanages. The intelligence, resilience and innate leadership he used to rise from deprivation to the pinnacle of personal and business success provides the insight he shares with readers.
At the heart of the book are the four Ps — which have guided Hajim throughout his life. He offers his hard-won wisdom on each of these cornerstones.
- Passions: Find your passions; find the things that excite and motivate you. Recognize that passions do change and you must monitor them throughout your lifetime.
- Principles: Find the rules that you want to follow and the lines you won’t cross. They provide an important structure and bring organization to your life.
- Partners: No individual can succeed alone. Consider the kind of friends, collaborators, and advisers you’ll need around you, recognizing that those needs will evolve.
- Plans: Find your plans, write down where you want to go and how you plan to get there. Pay attention to your environment, things that will happen during your lifetime, and try to find a wave or a cycle that you can marry with your passions and principles.
Ultimately, Hajim’s dream is to help anyone fighting to make their dreams a reality. “I hope The Island of the Four Ps will prompt you to contemplate who you are and what you want in life. Ideally, it will spur you to action — helping you engage fully in life, pursue new experiences, and surf the waves of change,” Hajim says.
About the Author
ED HAJIM is the author of the critically acclaimed memoir, On The Road Less Traveled. The son of a Syrian immigrant, he is a seasoned Wall Street executive with more than 50 years of investment experience. He has held senior management positions with the Capital Group, E.F. Hutton, and Lehman Brothers before becoming chairman and CEO of Furman Selz. In 2015, he received the Horatio Alger Award, given to Americans who exemplify the values of initiative, leadership and commitment to excellence, and who have succeeded despite personal adversities. Married for 57 years, he and his wife, Barbara, have three children and eight grandchildren.