Review | Video Game
After years of being a Bioware fanboy, one comes to expect certain things from their games. From the addictiveness of Baldurs Gate to the character creation of Neverwinter Nights, it should be understood that one takes steps forward not backward.
And, that is exactly what Dragon Age: Origins does. Steps forward. All the awesome storyline with the character creation and customization one wants, with a whole new set of stories, encounters, and epic monsters to slay.
It was strange for me to play a Bioware game not on my PC. I was accustomed to clicking everywhere and, on occasion, using exploits to get leet gear. This time I had no cheats, no walk through and no screen to minimize. There is something pure about not cheating through a 100- hour plus game.
They say this game is a continuation of Baldurs Gate, but I have to disagree. Origins stands on its own two legs and delivers. However, if you are not a fan of dialogue (in massive proportions) and loading screens you may want to stick with the Elder Scrolls series.
For those not in the know, Dragon Age is based on the D20 4.0 rules. The original game (Dungeons and Dragons) has been revised 4 times to get it to the smooth running, less confusing magnitude it is today. Oh yes, Dungeons and Dragons is still alive and kicking and, much like disco, has evolved to fit this generation.
From all the side quests and awesome characters, to game play and inventory screens, Dragon Age receives 4 out of 5 stars. It is truly a solid game. And, with multiple endings, expansions, and downloadable content one can keep the quests going as long as you want.
Besides, what game, other than some Japanese hentai, allows you to have a foursome?
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