We are living in interesting times.
If you are a native Detroiter, or have been living in the metropolitan area for a while, then you have witnessed and, perhaps, have endured some extreme lows. We have dealt with a corrupt mayor and city officials, we have dealt with violent crime, arson, thefts, and other such offenses, we have dealt with recession, poor school systems, poor city services, the loss of our homes and livelihoods, and we have been ridiculed for it by national media.
But, Detroit didn’t quit. It held its own. It fought, and it struggled, and it hustled, and it invented its way forward. Entrepreneurs opened new businesses, makers began to build things, artists pushed through established barriers; people took risks.
Soon, tourists were visiting to see the Ruins of Detroit. To their surprise they fell in love with our city. Our people. Our spirit. Books were written, movies were made, songs were sung. And, we threw great parties. Detroit always throws great parties.
There was also bankruptcy. And, there were federal dollars. Billionaires stepped in to buy up properties at depreciated values. And, after a while, the same media brands that bashed our city came round to see what was happening. It wasn’t long before they were publishing our praises.
I wonder why?
For those of you new to the area, Detroit must seem an easy road to success, nothing but possibility. There is construction, new developments, jobs in tech, and home finance. And, a new bar or restaurant opens its doors every week. Even the art of graffiti and murals have gone from a “criminal” activity to paid commissions from the corporate world.
Everything is everything.
While we are experiencing these highs, however, I humbly suggest that we do not forget who we are. There is a battle for the soul of our city currently underway, and each of us should determine what kind of city we wish to live in when it’s over. We must maintain our fingerprint.
After 72 issues, The Metropolitan d’Etroit will leave its original point of origin at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Like the city, it will continue to evolve. We hope our independent publication will be a place where New and Old Detroit will meet over coffee, or cocktails, to continue sharing stories about our community.
Providing, of course, we don’t run out of money …
Until then,
Anthony Brancaleone