Where’s Bourdain?
Hello to all the readers of The Metropolitan d’Etroit. This issue marks our sixth month in circulation and we thank all of you who have taken the time to read our publication. We hope that you have found it to be somewhat of an enlightening experience. Of course, we have much more to bring you and look forward to doing so through the coming months, so please continue checking in, as there is always much to learn about The Metropolitan area and the beautiful state of Michigan.
Now, that that’s over, I need your help – all of you. I am speaking directly to those of you preparing to board your flight and those of you who may have just landed. I am talking to the employees of the Detroit Metropolitan Airport, the traveler in the Delta Sky Clubs and the casual reader along the Woodward corridor. So, please, stop whatever you are doing and focus all of your attention on me.
In our first issue, October 2009, in the first Letter From The Editor, I made reference to the fact that Anthony Bourdain had visited Detroit, and in my estimation did little to properly promote the virtues of our city. As you may recall, Tony came to town, had a pierogi, dipped a little bread in some baba ghanouj and then shuffled off to Buffalo for a basket of hot wings.
Since that historic event, I have attempted to contact Mr. Bourdain via email and through the United States postal service to no avail. It is for this reason that I now seek to employ the help of you good people. I humbly request that each of you take a moment to email Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, make a phone call, or send a letter to the program asking Tony to please come back to Detroit.
Maybe, someone out there actually knows Tony and is willing to forward my email so that he and I can make proper arrangements? Of course, I am open to receiving Tony’s cell number, should you consider that option to be more efficient. The point is Mr. Bourdain needs to get in touch with The Metropolitan so that we may work together in an effort to finish what No Reservations barely started.
With that in mind, OPERATION: Where’s Bourdain? is now in full effect. I implore each of you to do your part. Only then can we right the wrong that has been bestowed upon us.
Allow me to take the opportunity to assist you in this endeavor by offering the following starting point: http://discussions.travelchannel.com/eve/forums/a/frm/f/6121975208
Until then, I remain,
Anthony Brancaleone
Editor – The Metropolitan