By Lim-Lim Kobe
Amid the 5-6%* year on year increase in the global wellness sector Vitamin Shoppe Wellness Council member Samia Gore is a rising star. A pioneer in the highly competitive male-dominated nutritional supplements sector, Samia’s multi-million dollar company, Body Complete Rx (BCRX) approaches its 5-year mark as it continues to reach new heights.
Recently, Samia launched her new complete weight management line TRIM in over 740 Vitamin Shoppe stores nationwide, making it the first Black Female-owned wellness brand to do so. TRIM sold out within 4 days, while waitlisted orders continued to increase.
Another impressive feat BCRX has achieved is the community it has fostered online. Boasting a remarkable 235K followers on Instagram, community members engage with the challenges, activities, and tools the company outlines for them. The organic growth of the BCRX community required a raw vulnerability on Samia’s part, where the Brand owner shared her own weight loss and plastic surgery journey, while also sharing the triumphs and successes of others. Samia finds that sharing these ups and downs creates an accessible platform for her followers, where together they discover stories that inspire along their road of wellness.
Whenever Samia feels like she needs a pick-me-up, by the way, her personal mantra is, “Keep Going.”
One of the traits BCRX is known for is that it strives to understand and support each step of the client’s wellness journey, from the beginning of the process through each individual’s long-term goals. “On our website, we have a tool where you can take a quiz, and based on your answers it gives an output of recommended products,” says Samia. “We understand how daunting the process is when you may not know what you need or what you want to begin a Wellness journey.”
Samia’s dedication to wellness, especially in the Black and Brown Female communities, is evidenced by her philosophy to incorporate ingredients that specifically meet the needs of people in those communities. “We added sweet potato and beetroot to our Nourish Protein formula to address the specific issues of heart health and diabetes, which is what we are facing today in our black and brown communities,” said Samia.
“The thing that is empowering about our brand is that we give our customers the tools they need even if they slip,” says Samia. “There’s the feeling of, ‘Oh, I’ve done this before’, which helps us all be successful in the long run.”
Although, there is no magic formula to a successful wellness routine, Samia and her company have found that personal – and professional – success is built upon perseverance, knowledge, and community. Combining these elements are the foundation of a long-lasting wellness journey where one will reap the benefits for many seasons to come.
BCRX products can be found in a variety of their complete plant-based wellness kits: Trim, Thrive, Glow, Perform, Nourish, and Start Living Kits.
*(Global Wellness Institute, 2018 data)
Lim-Lim Kobe is curious about the passions of others. She adventures around the world exploring the realms of art, hospitality, and wellness.