This issue, a simple thank you to those family and friends who have helped to make my life more interesting. Like everyone, I’ve been through some difficult moments and it’s good to know there are a few who will take the time to help me navigate.
Many thanks to our staff, and to those contributors, who have helped to document the city and its people, or who have produced original pieces of work. I appreciate all of the effort from every writer, photographer, designer, distributor, model, stylist, and makeup artist. Each of you is valued beyond my means to express.
Much appreciation to our advertisers, sponsors, and stockists, all of whom have helped to build The Metropolitan community.
And, of course, I must offer my deepest appreciation to those of you who continue to pick up The Metropolitan in and around the Detroit area. It gives me a certain amount of satisfaction to hear business owners say that our independent publication moves faster than any other on their shelves.
It’s also fun to stop into a coffee shop to see the stack of Metropolitans dwindling throughout the month. I’m left wondering who has picked it up, and what their thoughts are on the issue.
I’m also thankful for the many emails we receive, our social media correspondence, and for those of you who take the time to stop me in the street to introduce yourself. As you can probably guess, we don’t do this for the money, so it’s always nice to hear your thoughts on a certain article, or fashion editorial, etc.
Publishing is a tough business. But we at the Met love print and feel strongly about it as a relevant form of art and communication. There is something about holding a paper, or magazine, or book that offers a unique tactile experience. I use my device all of the time, but I am always picking up print to read, or to skim through the images.
Our publication thanks you for doing the same.
Much appreciation and Happy Thanksgiving,
Anthony Brancaleone